عرض تفاصيل البحث

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عنوان البحث
The Association Of Serum 1, 25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D2 Status With Asthma In A Comparative Study Of Iraqi Adults
عنوان المجلة
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
تفاصيل النشر
سنة النشر - 2022 / الفهرس الاصلي للمجلة - 22 : 1 (عدد الصفحات 5)
تصنيف البحث
الطب - المجموعة الطبية
البحث والاستدامة
الهدف 3 – الصحة الجيدة والرفاه   المزيد حول هذا الهدف
البحث والمجتمع
نعم , يدعم
الكلمات المفتاحية

اسم الباحثجهة الانتساببلد الباحث
حيدر عبد الامير مكي كلية الصيدلة العراق
سماح احمد كاظم كلية الصيدلة العراق

Vitamin D2has an immunomodulatory effect on asthma. The association between vitamin D2 and asthma is still uncertain. The study aims to measure concentrations of vitamin D2 in the serum of asthmatic adults and to match these to asthma-free healthy controls. A cross-sectional comparative study had conducted from August 2020 to December 2020 in the adult respiratory clinic of the Merjan Teaching Hospital, Babylon, Iraq. The measurements of FeNo and vitamin D2 were obtained for asthmatic adults (n-127) and compared to (age and sex) matched, asthma-free a healthy control (n-113). Data had collected on planned performa and managed by SPSS-23. The authors used descriptive statistics for the features of the subjects. Fisher’s-exact and Chi-squared test had applied for proportions. For the continuous variables, Students’–test and ANOVA had used to evaluate statistical significance depending on the distribution of the variable. Correlation of FeNo results with vitamin D2 had used. ROC analyses had been applied to estimate the predictability, sensitivity, specificity and significance of vitamin D2 for asthma diagnosis. The mean age of the studied participants was 34.1±6.9years, with no significant age differences between the groups. Serum vitamin D2 levels were ranged between 10.4-47.9ng/ml (19.7±6.9ng/ml). The serum vitamin D2 levels were parallel between the two groups, and only <10% show deficient levels (<20ng/ml). There was a positive non-significant correlation (r-0.067, p-0.54) of FeNo measures with serum levels of vitamin D2 among asthmatic patients. ROC curve analyses revealed that vitamin D2 showed less predictability and significance than FeNo to distinguish asthmatic from healthy subjects. In conclusion, the authors did not report any associations of serum vitamin D2 with the incidence of BAs, despite a significant difference in the distribution of vitamin D2 classes between the well-controlled and the poorly controlled asthma.