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ادناه جميع التفاصيل الخاصة بالبحث المطلوب عرضه. توفر هذه المنصة معلومات اساسية حول البحث, لمزيد من التفاصيل يرجى متابعة التصفح من خلال الضغط على الرابط الاصلي للبحث او رابط DOI.

عنوان البحث
Effect Of Coq10 Administration To Psoriatic Iraqi Patients On Biological Therapy Upon Severity Index (Pasi) And Quality Of Life Index (Dlqi) Before And After Therapy
عنوان المجلة
Journal Of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology
تفاصيل النشر
سنة النشر - 2022 / الفهرس الاصلي للمجلة - 29 : 2 (عدد الصفحات 9)
تصنيف البحث
dermatology - المجموعة الطبية
البحث والاستدامة
الهدف 3 – الصحة الجيدة والرفاه   المزيد حول هذا الهدف
البحث والمجتمع
نعم , يدعم
الكلمات المفتاحية

اسم الباحثجهة الانتساببلد الباحث
Mohammed K. Al Hattab Department of Dermatology/ Hammurabi Medical College/University of Babylon Iraq

Psoriasis is a medical condition in which the skin of the body is affected at a multisytemic level. Patients with moderate to severe psoriasis have a considerably reduced quality of life as a result of their disease. For morphological indicators, the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) test is one of the methods for indicat ing the severity of the illness. An imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants in our bodies causes oxidative stress and plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of chronic inflammatory diseases like psoriasis(1). It has been considered that antioxidant treatment can be an effective therapeutic option. The goal of this clinical investigation was to see if there was a link between the percentage change in quality of life and the clinical severity of psoriasis during a 12-week period among Iraqi psoriatic patients. Over the course of 3 months, 24 psoriatic patients (9 females and 15 males) ranging in age from 17 to 72 years participated in a prospective double-blinded clinical experiment. Two groups of participants were formed. A biological medicine (adalimumab) and a placebo was given to group A (n = 11), whereas group B (n = 13) received 100 mg CoQ10 adjuvant therapy in addition to the biological medication already provided. The Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) were used to examine patients (DLQI). Treatment with both biological and adjuvant CoQ10 therapy showed a substantial association between the PASI and the DLQI (p = 0.000132). After 3 months of therapy, the mean (SD) of the PASI score for all patients was 20.88 7.15, with a 67.48% ± 22.25% improvement change. The mean SD of the DLQI score at baseline was 12.5 ± 4.71, with a change of 56.13% ± 20.15% following treatment. After therapy with a biological medication, there was a favorable association between the PASI and the DLQI (p > 0.05). This indicates that therapy with a biological medication with daily administration of 100 mg CoQ10 supplements to psoriatic patients for 12 weeks improved the correlation between PASI and DLQI.