عرض تفاصيل البحث

ادناه جميع التفاصيل الخاصة بالبحث المطلوب عرضه. توفر هذه المنصة معلومات اساسية حول البحث, لمزيد من التفاصيل يرجى متابعة التصفح من خلال الضغط على الرابط الاصلي للبحث او رابط DOI.

عنوان البحث
Review Of Using Ceramic Coatings To Increase The Performance Of Solar Collectors With Air Brush Spray Method On Stainless Steel Substrate
عنوان المجلة
Passer Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
ISSN-2616 - 9916
تفاصيل النشر
سنة النشر - 2023 / الفهرس الاصلي للمجلة - 6 : 202 (عدد الصفحات 16)
تصنيف البحث
التنمية المستدامة - المجموعة الهندسية
رابط DOI
البحث والاستدامة
الهدف 6 – المياه النظيفة والنظافة الصحية   المزيد حول هذا الهدف
البحث والمجتمع
نعم , يدعم

اسم الباحثجهة الانتساببلد الباحث
الهام عبد المجيد جامعة بابل العراق
حيدر كريدي رراشد جامعة بابل العراق
سجا فالح عبد الهادي جامعة بابل العراق

"In recent decades, our world is exposed to many of economic crisis comes from high energy prices due to steadily increasing demand for it. However, the most important source of energy that widely consumed is extracted from fossil fuels. Moreover, these energy production processes making planet to be exposed to in terms of environmental pollution. Where, because of the emission of carbon dioxide and other gases, which lead to global warming and high air temperatures, this is considered a threat to the environment. On the other hand, the renewable and sustainable energies are available all over the world, which is clean, non-polluting. Consequently, the mineral types of materials suitable for coating process were studied to improve the use of solar energy in pure water production processes. However, the coating process presented to improve the insulation of type 316 stainless steel basin. Where, the glass cover of the solar water desalination system is clear to allow sunlight to pass through it. So, the heat conductive component and the insulating basin maintain a suitable water temperature to make still water to be evaporated and then condensation at the glass surface then collecting pure water. Since, ceramic materials have better thermal insulation than other insulating coating materials; their application concern for enhancing insulation. In this work, the materials that used for improving the insulation of steel absorber plat are mullite, titanium oxide and magnesium oxide, polymer components are added to the paint mixture without changing the properties of the coating in order to increase the uniformity and adhesion of the materials used. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and (EDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), spectrophotometer-infrared (FTIR), thermal conductivity, adhesion strength, hardness, density, porosity, viscosity test Coating thickness, ultraviolet (UV), wettability, and abrasion. For investigate the feature of coating metals, some of the tests that are performed for their effectiveness."